Ancient British Batu Dealing with Death

Nine stone megaliths found in remote areas Dartmoor UK have the same features with rocks of Stonehenge. Rock is expected to relate to death.
Megalithic Dartmoor based on carbon dating around 3500 BC to give birth date on Stonehenge susuna bataun extraordinary giant in the UK.
Both sites are a number of large stone that marks the midsummer sunrise and the sun in mid winter. Another Dartmoor stone monument called Drizzlecombe have the same orientation.
Archaeologist Mike Pitts, editor of the journal saying large numbers of young roasted pig bones found near Stonehenge, indicating that animals born in spring and killed not far from the site for food in the middle of winter.
"In general, the sun became a symbol to mark the occasion, not the ritual itself, so that's probably not to worship the sun," added Pitts who is the author Hengeworld and one of megalithic Britain.
Junket is not just a pig a party without meaning and may be similar to the celebration after the funeral in the present.
Pitts believes that the phenomenon when the sun is farthest from the equator might be something to do with death.

Ancient British Batu Dealing with Death Ancient British Batu Dealing with Death Reviewed by yunanto on Rabu, Desember 01, 2010 Rating: 5

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